The SwingView Golf Center provides the most advanced computer, camera and launch monitor technology of any facility, anywhere in the Tri-State area, maybe anywhere in the country.
Each bay is equipped with a dedicated state-of-the-art computer and software that makes your golf practice session simple and enjoyable. Everything is designed in kiosk-style, with 2 video monitors and a VCR-like keyboard. Its easier to use than an ATM, and the custom software is simple to operate for golfers of any age and computer experience.
Most swing analysis systems use 2 cameras to record and play back your swing from the two most common viewing angles, the front view, facing the golfer, and the line view, down the ball's line of flight. But did you know? Your entire game of golf comes down to one thing: the club's contact with the ball. Nothing else. If you make centered and squared contact with the ball, the ball will fly straight every time. But no video analysis system anywhere provides you the ability to see this most critical component of your swing, the point of impact.
Until now.
At SwingView, we add a third camera view that you won't find anywhere at any price. This third camera shows you a closeup view of the club and the ball at the point of impact. Now, if you're one of the more astute golfers, you might know that most golfers swing a club at between 40 and 120 miles per hour. And any ordinary camera pointed at the ball and operating at 30 or 60 frames per second, would capture nothing more than a blur of the club striking the ball. But at SwingView, we use a sophisticated hi-speed camera, which captures the point of impact at over 500 frames per second. This allows even the fastest golf swing to be captured and replayed a frame at a time. It is the same type of camera technology seen every week on broadcast TV during major PGA events.
Launch Monitor
No indoor range experience would be complete without having some idea of how well you hit each ball. At an outdoor range, you can see where the ball goes but at an indoor range, you are hitting into a tarp 10-12 feet away. So how do you know how well you hit the ball? At SwingView Golf Center, we use one of the most advanced Launch Monitors in the world to provide you exactly what you need - the metrics of the flight of the ball after it leaves the club. Speed, Spin, Distance, Location and many other details about the flight of the ball are instantly displayed on an easy-to-read screen after each swing. You will also see your ball flight displayed graphically in 3D.