How much does it cost?
We offer a wide range of pricing options - beginning at just $5.
Why would I choose an indoor range over an outdoor range when I can see the actual ball flight at an outdoor range?
This is true, you can see the actual ball flight at an outdoor range. But then what? If you don't hit the ball straight, do you always know why? Sometimes you might, but oftentimes, you will try to make adjustments, essentially guessing at what might have gone wrong, then repeat your swing again trying something else. All this guesswork might eventually improve your game, but for most golfers, you end up at best with a swing style that is full of compromises and at worst, filled with frustration at the lack of progress. Believe it or not, most time spent at a driving range is spent reinforcing bad swing habits. Without video cameras, its difficult to tell where your problem areas really are, and so its difficult to make real progress in your game.
Why can't I just take my video camera with me to an outdoor range?
You can, and people do try this from time to time. You take your camera to the driving range, set the camera up somewhere behind you, and hit a bucket of balls. Then you go home, replay the entire session on your VCR or even your computer. You try to analyze your swing, and if you're ready to make changes, you take a couple of shadow swings at home or out in the yard. Then, you have to head back out to the range to try again. Its long and cumbersome. Progress can be painfully slow. If you're replaying your video on a home computer, its a little easier, but no less time consuming.
I have a laptop - couldn't I take it with me to the driving range?
Sure. This is in fact what a number of instructors will do with their students. Camera, laptop, clubs. And software, if you have that. Having the laptop with you is a start, but you would still need to capture the video onto the computer to review it. Certain software will help, but you still have to haul all the equipment there each time, set it all up, and try and work on your swing outdoors where it can be hard to see a laptop screen, and harder to work a laptop mouse and keyboard while shuffling your clubs, balls and tees. And that's if you can even find a place to safely put your laptop so you don't risk damaging it. One other thing. How many people own more than a single videocamera? Your swing should be analyzed using 2 distinct angles, from the front, facing the golfer, and from behind, down the ball flight line. Most golfers that go to all this trouble will still only bring one camera and they almost always set it up down the line. Not having the front view means that you miss half of what you need to know to really improve your swing.
Why would I choose SwingView Golf Center over another indoor facility?
Not all indoor ranges are the same. Assuming you can even find an indoor range, chances are it doesn't have videocameras or a launch monitor. Usually, the only place where you can find videocamera and launch monitor technology to help you with your swing, is if you purchase costly golf lessons at a private facility. At the SwingView Golf Center, you get all of this, PLUS the assistance of an on-site pro, all at one very low price.
Do you have group rates?
Yes. Group rates are available for 4 or more bays rented at the same time.
Do you have group competitions?
The software that we use does not currently provide for recreational gaming. However, we are looking into adding this at a later time.
Do you see a golf course projected onto the tarp in the bay?
No, there are no projectors in the bays like you might see at a gaming facility. All video and ball flight statistics are displayed on 2 monitors built into each bay.
Do I need to call ahead to reserve a bay?
You don't need to reserve a bay, but you can if you want. We will take reservations for a limited number of bays, but our primary goal is to be a walk-in facility, so we like to have bays readily available to anyone. However, we currently only have 6 bays, and depending on the day and time, you might consider calling ahead to see how busy we are.